Advancing Riding/HHHL - May 11-12

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Happy Horse Happy Life - Success Program - Advanced

June 11-12th * 9am - 4:30pm

West Meadow Farm, Bradford, NH

How To Talk Horse Curriculum

The Happy Horse Success Program drives you to advance, achieve and succeed.

It will keep you on track as well as help you celebrate and recognize your achievement.

The secret to achievement in any worthy pursuit is to set a goal, one with frequent benchmarks along the way to check your progress and keep you motivated.

The Happy Horse Curriculum provides you with a step-by-step path to becoming a better rider. The Happy Horse Success Program will keep your progress on track, and helps you celebrate your achievements as you advance. See how you are doing compared to your peers or just challenge yourself to improve, either way your horse will thank you for your efforts!

OPTIONAL: Take the official test for each level of the Happy Horse Curriculum

If you are success driven and want professional evaluations, take the next step. The Level tests are designed for each tier of the curriculum and there is a short, specific test for you to perform:

1st Level – Core Behaviors (Modules 1-3)
2nd Level – Qualities (Modules 4-6)
3rd Level – Performance (Modules 7-10)

Max: 10 Participants. Lunch/Dinner Included. 

Stalling Available: $25/overnight

Truck in Fee: $15/day